Rahul Dravid, who has returned a mixed bag, when asked if the quadrennial extravaganza would define his legacy in his first stint as the senior team coach, said, “I’m not into legacies. As a coach I’m looking forward to the World Cup. I just stay in the present, worry about the job I have to do now and not about the future.” from Cricket News: Latest Cricket News, Live Scores, Results, Upcoming match Schedules | Times of India https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/sports/cricket/asia-cup/asia-cup-2023-we-wont-have-any-home-advantage-says-rahul-dravid/articleshow/103197238.cmshttps://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/rssfeeds/54829575.cmsbr> via IFTTT